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APM Predictive Analytics Practicum (OL)   

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Cost: $800.00 USD

Course Description

The APM Predictive Analytics Practicum is designed to teach you about the blueprint modification and design process from the lense of the SmartSignal application suite. In SmartSignal, Blueprints are the core of the analytic capability of SmartSignal and the decision-making process for modifying and creating new blueprints is applicable to both SmartSignal and APM. By the end of this course, you will know how to follow the analytics process, analyze the need for a derivative blueprint, and create a derivative based off of an existing blueprint.


  • Understand the workflow and process to determine if a derivative blueprint is needed 
  • Use the SmartSignal application to modify a blueprint, incorporating feedback to improve performance and actionability of analytics
  • Test and optimize the modified blueprint with asset data
  • Compare asset configuration to current blueprints
  • Create derivative blueprints for variants of known equipment, using Subject Matter Expert information, P&IDs, etc.